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Is a Chihuahua Right For You and Your Family?

Are Chihuahuas high strung? 

Yes, Chihuahuas do bark, run around and jump up when they get excited. They also behave this way around strangers because they are nervous or because they are feeling territorial, depending on the dog's temperament. Consistent training is needed to help settle this behavior over time.

Should I Get a Male or Female Chihuahua?

Focus more on the dog's personality instead of gender. You want a dog that is compatible with you for it's lifetime.
Either way you will be likely spaying or neutering the dog. Unless you are a professional breeder, you should spay or neuter your dog.
A spayed female dog will no longer experience menstruation or "Estrus",as the uterus and ovaries have been removed.
A neutered male has had his testicles removed, so he can no longer create sperm to reproduce. Although this may sound callus, it is necessary to help control the animal population. And also holds many indirect health and behavior benefits for the dog.
Health Benefits to Spaying or Neutering your Chihuahua:
Spayed female dogs, will not get a painful and potentially life-threatening uterine infection, called pyometra.
Spayed females also have significant less risk of developing mammary tumors
Male dogs that have been neutered can not get testicular cancer, and have much lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
Neutered males also roam less and have more mild behavior or less aggression than non-neutered peers.

What is The Soft Spot on The Chihuahua's Head?

All Chihuahuas have a soft spot or Fontanel on the top of their heads. It is a small opening that makes their heads more fragile if injured than other breeds. This area is medically termed the "molera". The molera makes them less ideal for families with young children, as young children may accidentally play too rough with such a small, fragile dog.
Why Do Chihuahua's Shiver?Chihuahua's shiver when they are cold, anxious, excited, frustrated or unhappy. They have a high metabolism and a sensitive central nervous system this shivering is a normal physiological response. It does not mean they are cold all the time,
How Much Exercise Do They Need?
Not much. Great dog for apartments because of it's small size and ability to tolerate small spaces. The Chihuahua still likes to go out in the neighbourhood at least once daily, for different sights and smells. However, along with the high strung character trait, the Chihuahua is not very social with other dogs or people outside the home, and can themselves in trouble if not well supervised.

Did You Know Chihuahua's Are Known For "Burrowing"?

What is "burrowing" when it comes to Chihuahua's? When the dog makes a little den for him or herself in something soft and warm. It may be used clothing, fresh clothing, more commonly bed sheets and blankets. This burrowing behavior is classic chihuahua trait reported by many owners and is a sign of endearment. The dog is trying to snuggle, stay warm, and be cozy close to you.

Breed History and Traits

The origin of the Chihuahua is not certain; there are three ideas of how this tiny dog came to be. Some say the Chihuahua was used in sacred rituals by the Pre-Columbian Indian Nations, as they were seen as holy beings. Another idea is the dogs originated in Malta, an island in the Mediterranean where they travelled on the trading ships to Europe. Supports of this theory believe that there are famous paintings of small dogs in the Sistine Chapel from 1492 which resemble the size and appearance of the Chihuahua. The third idea is that the Chihuahua was brought to Mexico from China over 200 years ago. In support of this theory Chihuahuas would have descended from Techichi, a companion breed of dog favored by the Toltec civilization in Mexico. The Aztecs learned about the dog when they conquered the Toltecs. The Aztecs believed the dog beheld mystical powers. At this time, the Chihuahua was still bigger than we are familiar with today. Over the years, the breed has been bred to be even smaller, to the size we commonly see today. Chihuahua popularity spread among Texas, Arizona and New Mexico where the breed was adopted into the United States. The Chihuahua was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1904 and has remained constantly popular.

Chihuahuas For Family Dogs

Chihuahuas tend to be loyal towards one owner. These dogs can also become very protective of that owner, and very territorial. Chihuahuas have been known to be aggressive when on the defensive and are perhaps not suitable for a family with small children. A family with pre-teens or teenagers woulod be likely a better fit.
This dog breed has a reputation for being a "picky eater" the owner will have to make sure the Chihuahua gets the nutrition it needs. The Chihuahua is at risk of becoming obese if fed table scraps and human food, which will decrease the dog's overall health and lifespan.
But these dogs do crave attention, affection and exercise. They love being petted and are eager to please. They can bark a lot, but will learn to be quite with firm, consistent training. When they socialize with other dogs they are known to prefer the companionship of other Chihuahuas over other dog breeds. The Chihuahua often "trembles" when it is stressed, excited or cold. This is a psychological and biological behavior that encourages bonding between the dog and owner. These dogs also like to snuggle and dig in their bedding to "get cozy" and this can lead to more playful behavior with the dog and owner, again reinforcing the bond.
Many Chihuahua owners struggle to toilet train dog properly to "go outside". For this reason, many owners find it easier to set up an indoor or patio area for the dog to use for voiding and bowel movements, that regularly needs to be cleaned by the owner.
Chihuahua's are generally intelligent and practical but need lots of time to learn trainable skills, as we see with their "potty training". To succeed patience and perseverance is essential.
This small breed is great for apartment living. Ideal for smaller families with an older child or two. Especially great for couples, as these dogs can be territorial and do not like to be "dethroned", if there is a new baby arrival, for example. They prefer less environmental stimulus and do well with predictability.

Chihuahua Health

Most dogs will be healthy at the time of adoption, but as they age certain breeds have various susceptibilities. Start by picking the healthiest dog you can and find a veterinarian you can work with to keep your dog's health at it's optimum for life.
Chihuahuas are very susceptible to certain health issues such as epilepsy (a seizure disorder), hydrocephalus ( a congenital disorder of fluid around the brain, because these dogs are born with a soft spot on the skull known as the morela, that sometimes does not close properly as they grow. Chihuahuas are also prone to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels) because of their small size. Eye tearing and infections are common in this breed because of their big round eyes and small eyelashes that do not offer much protection.
A friend of mine several years ago, had a Chichuahua that developed a seizure and spinal disorder as it aged. She had to take her dog to the vet many times for various frequent and challenging seizures. Then the chronic spinal issues set in and the dog needed even more medication and medical care. She supported her little dog the best she could but the conditions did not improve, they even worsened overtime. This is a fragile dog that is prone to numerous health issues.
Forming a good relationship with your vet will give you the confidence to care for your dog. Many conditions are manageable with symptomatic control.

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